Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Quiver

Decided to rip down the stairs this morning on my buttcheeks. Which got me to thinking: Hmmmm, wool and wax - I wonder if it would be quicker than the new RED? Think of it... SRAM ASSBUMP '10. I guess the fiber bearing system might have a few bugs to get past. Possiblities! Ah, Nevermind.
My quiver in the man cave just welcomed a new addition: a gold ano Homegrown Ltd frame - the one I busted at Landmine 2004. After two years, one of the original Fat Chance welders came through. She's lookin' pretty sassy "Ride me big boy, but build me up first." She calls out every time I walk by, swinging her top tube at me... I'm having a hard time walking by acting disinterested. Gotta conduct some surgery soon, moving a REBA Team from the race rig to her and cut out the other organs from my HG Pro whose dropout committed hari kari at FOMBA a year ago. I'm coming darling! She senses I've had others but I keep them at a distance. She's gonna cry when I wheel down the other gold ano HG LTD from the mud room, I just know it. Women.

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